
Best Personal Statements are Here

Experience Matters

Highlights the importance of hands-on, practical experiences in fostering growth, enhancing skills, and understanding real-world applications. Advocates the synergy of learning from doing and theoretical knowledge to develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

  • A veterinarian’s Global Health dream

    Starting college, I spent two years assisting in laboratory research. I believed, as many do, that cutting-edge technology, including advances in medicine and the study of specific microorganisms, could be instrumental in combating zoonoses, diseases that pose severe threats to the farming industry. However, my perspective was significantly altered when I started working with Dr.… Continue reading

  • Africa explored

    “Look, we finally have a chicken coop!” Zola exclaimed. Standing before the newly constructed chicken coop, I couldn’t recall ever witnessing a sight more beautiful. We hugged each other, “Thank you for everything you’ve done.” Currently, I am involved in a program to establish an anti-FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) rescue center for young Akaluai girls… Continue reading

About Me

As a dedicated Personal Statement Mentor, I specialise in guiding students through the process of crafting personal statements that truly reflect their individuality and experiences. My role involves helping students highlight their unique journeys and stand out in competitive admissions processes.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

– Mary Oliver