Show Not Tell
Dive into the art of illustrating personal experiences instead of merely stating them. Learn to let your achievements and unique narratives speak for themselves, painting vivid pictures that leave indelible impressions.
Beyond Symptoms: A Biological Odyssey into Depression
‘The overindulgence upon the use of SSRI with therapies that are generalized and automatic has made our therapy work very inefficient.’ One of my colleagues, a Clinical Psychologist, mentioned during my internship in my third year. Through further exploration, I discovered that this overreliance contributed to treatment ineffectiveness and high relapse rates among depressive patients,… Continue reading
Creating Engaging Interfaces: My Aspirations in Human-Computer Interaction
During my semester in the Digital Interaction Design course, I encountered an intriguing task – the design of an interactive exhibit for collections in the Mythland Museum. The challenge entailed multiple museum visits to conduct user research, where I delved into the dynamics of natural visitor interaction with exhibitions. My observations soon led me to… Continue reading
The Impact of Big Data and Machine Learning on Finance and Entrepreneurship
“Users are like the blooming daisies, investors are like the bees, and the nectar is the capital. Pseudonym Search constantly refines its services to attract the daisies, and let the daisies draw in the bees, then bees collect the nectar. That’s it – how Pseudonym Search generates profit”. This straightforward metaphor, shared by a Digital… Continue reading
Pathway to Tomorrow: A Tale of Transformation
“When will you return?” This phrase stirred my soul each time I heard it. During the balmy summer of my high school freshman year, I devoted my time to the Harmony Haven for Children in the city of Blossomdale alongside my friend. At that time, my intent was to bolster my curriculum vitae. Little did… Continue reading
The IMC Journey: Insight to Adaptation
I once believed that integrated marketing communications (IMC) could be powered solely by consumer understanding. Marketers decipher consumer needs and encode messages through all facets of the marketing mix. By unifying all media, they expand their reach and quickly obtain measurable outcomes. During my exchange studies, I took on a real client brief in an… Continue reading
A cultural travel blogger and anthropology
In April 2017, during the Valerian King’s Day, the whole of Valeria was engulfed by a ‘crimson madness.’ It was a Herculean task to find a seat in a Neidon bar as the city had morphed into an enormous crimson party. Everyone took to the streets wearing the national color to celebrate. Although not on… Continue reading
About Me
As a dedicated Personal Statement Mentor, I specialise in guiding students through the process of crafting personal statements that truly reflect their individuality and experiences. My role involves helping students highlight their unique journeys and stand out in competitive admissions processes.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
– Mary Oliver